Another high profile example of such a project: PIL.

19.04.2016, 00:56, Chris Barker kirjoitti:
On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 2:31 PM, Ian Cordasco <> wrote:
>> 1.  PyYAML is a package that would be de-registered in such a scheme.  It
> and you don't think ANYONE would be willing to take on the miniscule amount
> of work to maintain the name? Plus there would be any number of other
> schemes for determining whether a project name is abandoned.

I have in fact offered but the author refuses to accept help from
anyone. They're also the author of the C library (libyaml) and they do
not maintain that either. It's actually quite frustrating as someone
who wants to fix some of the numerous bugs in the library + improve it
and add support for YAML 1.2 which is years old at this point.

Interesting third case I hadn't considered -- the original author is still "active", but not actually maintaining the software or accepting help. I don't think there is anything PyPi policy can do about that -- too bad.

Time for a fork? 



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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