On Jul 30, 2013, at 3:01 AM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis@pitrou.net> wrote:

I don't know what I'm supposed to infer from such a statement, except that I
probably don't want to trust you. You might think that "publish[ing] working
exploits into the wild" is some kind of heroic, altruistic act, but I think few
people would agree.

Full Disclosure is a common practice amongst security professionals when
the upstream project is unwilling to rectify the problem. So yes I do think
the practice of Full Disclosure is an altruistic act and often times the only
thing that gets people who don't care to pull their head out of the sand
and actually care.

If you don't believe my words on it here's an essay by Bruce Schneier
one of the foremost experts on security and a well respected and well
trusted member of the security community.


Donald Stufft
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