On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 3:28 PM, kiorky <kiorky@cryptelium.net> wrote:
I am the maintener of minitage and you re using a quite old, and not
maintened recipe of this egg.
You may better to use minitage.recipe:eggs and minitage.recipe:scripts.

An example could be:
parts =
# The version which is put in the eggs cache.
Twisted = 8.2.0
recipe = minitage.recipe:egg
recipe = minitage.recipe:scripts

Then, you ll have a nicely wrapped python interpreter in

More over, you can have a better look to minitage if you are not using
it in the whole already.


Thanks for the tip and for the great recipe. :) I'm liking the patching capabilities of it also. Now my buildout is working.
- Teemu

Teemu Harju

email/jabber: teemu.harju@gmail.com
blog: http://blog.teemu.im