Hi, I got the following situation. I have a big package which depends on several others projects just for unit tests, the package is a maskup of several others. Therefore I'm adding those dependencies to tests_require, and everything is working great. Now I have stumble upon a package that has no setup.py (they install with configure/make) but someone "forked" it and releases a tarball/egg version on a private index. Therefore my question, how can I add this test_require dep, and tell it to fetch that one only from that index? In case you were wondering what the project it, it's a (not released yet) set of "helpers" to mount wsgi apps "with one liners" into a bigger TurboGears2 application. The current (and temporal) hg repository is here http://toscawidgets.org/hg/tgext.wsgiapps/, we currently have WSGIControllers for trac, mercurial, TileCache and Zine, and the project is less than 48hrs old!