On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 6:30 PM, P.J. Eby
<pje@telecommunity.com> wrote:
At 12:00 AM 6/7/2011 -0700, James wrote:
As an example I'm looking at setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg, can someone tell me why setuptools/command/east_install.py in get_site_dirs() does its own computation of where site-packages is? As of 2.7 there are already 4 separate places in the python where this path is computed. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see why an egg would have an opinion on this matter.
It doesn't do that in order to know where to install things; it does it to know what places are *safe* to install things that need .pth support.
I'm seeing it make up the path and then fail in a copytree since the computed dest directory in my case doesn't exist So I'm not exactly sure what you mean when you say it doesn't.
(And unfortunately, there is no way to obtain this list from the site module directly.)
I guess that is the nub, oh well.
- James