On Sun, Jun 18, 2006 at 08:48:02PM -0400, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
At 12:58 AM 6/19/2006 +0200, AGiss wrote:
berlios, sourceforge like, now use prdownloads system, like sourceforge.
setuptools fail to find eggs, because it tries to download on "prdownload" which serves only html page with mirrors.
package_index.py need a fix_berlios_url (or perhaps a more generic fix_forges_url with a list of translations)
Sigh. I was really hoping sourceforge were the only ones that did this.
However, Sourceforge at least has a round-robin DNS for their mirrors now. I suggest finding out if there is a similar setup for berlios. I say this because I'm not going to add any more screen-scraping code to easy_install to figure out what mirrors are available. URL translation, *maybe*. But trying to discover Sourceforge mirrors by screenscraping tricks was a bad idea and the code to do it is long gone.
Well, there is no roundrobin, only a "prdownload" to translate to "download" or "download2".
I would suggest to the package author that PyPI hosting is quite convenient; they are clearly already running "python setup.py bdist_egg", and uploading to PyPI simply makes the command be this instead:
python setup.py register bdist_egg upload
Well, eggs are for long on pypi, but... easy_install doesn't download them because it fails on berlios, and doesn't try pypi. (The workaround is to not provide the download URL on berlios in setup.py. That's what I'll do in next release.)