On 17 Jul 2014 16:15, "David Genest" <david.genest@ubisoft.com> wrote:
> > For the record, the current draft of the python.commands extension in PEP 459 does indeed include support for reporting prebuilt
> > commands: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0459/#the-python-commands-extension
> > The draft metadata extensions haven't really been properly reviewed yet, though. For pip 1.6, Donald and I have been focused on
> > hammering PEP 440 into shape.
> I agree that this would help, and in fact solve the problem. But only in newer python releases.

No, the focus of packaging efforts has moved to pip and setuptools specifically to avoid that problem - when metadata 2.0 is adopted, it will be supported at least as far back as Python 2.7, and likely on 2.6 as well.

The only requirement will be to use setuptools (or another metadata 2.0 compatible build system) and pip (or another metadata 2.0 compatible installer) rather than using distutils directly.
