On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 7:27 PM, Robert Collins <robertc@robertcollins.net> wrote:
> I guess I wasn't clear -- the idea was to force myself to use pip install,
> rather than ever doing a plain
> setup.py install or
> setup.py develop
> so:
>  pip install ./
> or
>  pip install -e ./
> this way, pip will inject the parts of setuptools I really need, but
> hopefully not any other cruft.

Its precisely the same as doing

import setuptools
from distutils import setup



Except that other people may still run setup.py directly, and then
you'll be picking up the pieces :).

exactly! That is the point -- pip simply injects the full-on setuptools, but it calls it in specific ways -- i.e.  --single-version-externally-managed and all that.

But, you also wouldn't get things like setuptools find_packages and the like -- though I"m not sure I've ever liked that...

The trick is to make it clear to your users that this particular setup.py is not expected to work right unless run from pip....



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
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