On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 5:07 PM, AJ Friend <ajfriend@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm trying to write a new `setup.py` file for an extension module to wrap a C library (https://github.com/cvxgrp/scs).
The current `setup.py` file imports numpy. I'm trying to delay that import statement until setuptools has a chance to install numpy if it's not already installed. I'm trying to do that with this bit of code:
from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext class build_ext(_build_ext): def finalize_options(self): _build_ext.finalize_options(self) # Prevent numpy from thinking it is still in its setup process: __builtins__.__NUMPY_SETUP__ = False import numpy self.include_dirs += ext['include_dirs'] + [numpy.get_include()]
Running `python setup.py install` seems to work fine on my OSX machine, but when I run `pip install .` in the directory with `setup.py`, I get a clang error that it can't find one of the header files.
Any idea why that would be happening? Could it have anything to do with the relative path I'm giving for the include directories?
Also, I had trouble finding good documentation on subclassing build_ext. Does anyone know if setting self.include_dirs overwrites or appends to the include_dirs attribute of an Extension object defined later in setup.py?
For the curious, my current attempt at setup.py is athttps://github.com/ajfriend/scs/blob/setup2/python/setup.py. The original can be found in the same directory.
More generally, since I'm new to python packaging, I'm not sure how well or correctly I've written my `setup.py` file. Any feedback on doing things correctly would be appreciated.
Hi AJ, For a lot of things in Python packaging there is not, sadly, One Right Way to Do It. Your setup.py looks okay though. You may want to have a look at the get_numpy_include_path utility here: https://github.com/astropy/astropy-helpers/blob/7ee7e543641759ed1ee2b691bba1... It's similar to what you're already doing, but maybe a little more 'robust'. In particular, I think the reload of the numpy module may be important. Erik