Today I ran across something that made me go "wat?".   There is a package named wx in PyPI and pip happily installs it.
It's completely useless, the module doc string is not in english, and it's definitely not wxPython.

This has been noticed by others:

What is the proper channel for asking for the renaming or removal of a package?  If this package is indeed useless, then it should be removed. If it is useful, but completely undocumented, and appears that import wx followed by dir(wx) shows absolutely nothing useful inside it.  This is the entire content of the unfortunately named module:

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

模拟 PHP 函数 file_get_content
def file_get_contents(file):
    file = open(file)
    data = ''
    for line in file:
      data = data + line

    return data

The last part translated from is "My Python test module".

How did this get into PyPI? It's pypi page url is:

Does anyone have to approve these things before they get into PyPI or can any post their hello world programs to PyPi?

Can I write three lines, call it pyQt, and upload it? that particular four letter name is unclaimed, yet I bet most pip users would like it if it gave them an error rather than installing some package which is not PyQt, it is just called that.
