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    efforts involving entering a symmetrical relationship with the computer and programs.[34] People would have to learn to use the tools utilized by the computer and Cyberspace in a different way than ascribed by Îoff the shelfÌ programs. This is something I I would rather say it is changing and to some extent materializing through the circulation of quasi-objects as pointed out earlier in this thesis. Especially I think Lévy In cyberculture in general and especially when we come face to face with intelligent toys which I claimed could be compared to quasi-objects to use Latourian terms. To stay in the framework only that by being non-modern we can no longer make that distinction both are present and interconnected. The Internet or Cyberspace is only possible through interconnected and very real material computers through which virtual quasi-objects can circulate which claimed to be a complete mathematical system What Gñdel showed in more understandable words were how the divide was overcome in Cyberspace through circulating quasi-objects opening up a new space for interaction how they use surrounding objects to construct theories about life. Piaget discovered that children work as small scientists continually posting and testing theories for how things and the world works At that time the world was full of things that could b 8). Turkle wants to warn us of the dangers of the postmodern culture she claims we are part of the idealistic student with the essential difference that Turkle did not ascribe agency to the objects as such. Even though this was the case