Imposing backwards incompatible changes like this one, however well justified, always brings with it a certain responsibility to help users in managing the transition. In this case, I suspect a *separate* link scanning tool (which we can put as many security warnings on as you like) that generates a requirements.txt file may be a more appropriate approach than just telling users to use built packages on a private HTTP or PyPI server, since spinning up and maintaining new server infrastructure is often a much more challenging prospect in user environments than installing and using a new client tool.
so, instead ofpip install git+https://myrepo@master#egg=toplevelappit's this:deplinks_scantool git+https://myrepo@master#egg=toplevelapp > requirements.txtpip install -r requirements.txtthe scan tool step is pretty hefty in that it's downloading and running egg_info, but yes, I can see that being easier for some users than dealing with packaging
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