On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 5:04 PM, Chris Barker <chris.barker@noaa.gov> wrote:
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 10:52 AM, David Cournapeau <cournape@gmail.com> wrote:
So this is a basic list I got w/ a few minutes of scripting,
could we define this list (or somethign like it) as "Python-Linux-Standard-Base-version X.Y"
Then we have a tag to use on binary wheels, and clearly defined way to know whether you can use them.
My understanding tis that Anaconda uses a "kinda old" version of Linux Z(CentOS?) -- and it seems to work OK, though it's not really all that well defined or documented.
This could be a way to do about the same thing, but better defined and documented.
My suggestion would be to actually document this by simply providing a corresponding docker image (built through say packer). David
Christopher Barker, Ph.D. Oceanographer
Emergency Response Division NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception