On 29.08.2015 15:57, Nick Coghlan wrote:
On 28 Aug 2015 07:31, "Robert Collins" <robertc@robertcollins.net> wrote:
On 28 Aug 2015 9:00 am, "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal@egenix.com> wrote:
All Linux distros I know and use have repositories distributed all over the planet, and many also provide official and less official ones, for the users to choose from, so there is more than enough
that a federated system for software distribution works better than a centralized one.
None of them provide cross repository discovery except Conary ttbomk. And its is inherited so a different ux.
So that's a difference.
Right, the distro model is essentially the one Donald is proposing - centrally controlled default repos, ability to enable additional repos on client systems. Geographically distributed mirrors are different, as those are just redistributing signed content from the main repos.
Hosting in multiple regions and/or avoiding selected regions would definitely be a nice service to offer, and it would be good to have a straightforward way to deploy and run an external repo (e.g. a devpi Docker image), but the proposed core model is itself a tried and tested one. Reducing back to that, and restarting the exploration of multi-index support from there with a clear statement of objectives would be a good way to go.
If we need to manually whitelist some external repos for transition management purposes, then that's likely a better option than settling for a nominally general purpose feature we'd prefer people didn't actually use.
There are quite a few systems out there that let you search for repos with the packages you need, but they are usually web based and not integrated into the package managers, e.g. rpmfind, various PPA search tools (e.g. Launchpad or open build service), etc. There's also another difference: Linux repos are usually managed by a single entity owning the packages, very much unlike PyPI which is merely a hosting platform and index to point to packages owned by the authors. So it's natural for PyPI to let package manager users know about where to find packages which are not hosted on PyPI and the user experience (which people always bring up as the number one argument for all sorts of things on this list ;-)), is much better when providing this information to the user directly, rather than saying "I couldn't find any distribution files for you - go look on PyPI for instructions where to find them...". -- Marc-Andre Lemburg eGenix.com Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Aug 31 2015)
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