At 09:38 AM 4/5/2007 +0200, Jan-Wijbrand Kolman wrote:
So, this needs either a very clear explanation somewhere, or maybe a little bit of work on easy_install, in order to "cache" the credentials on a host/scheme basis.
I've added an entry to the "tips" section of the documentation (in my local copy, not checked in anywhere yet): Password-Protected Sites ------------------------ If a site you want to download from is password-protected using HTTP "Basic" authentication, you can specify your credentials in the URL, like so:: http://some_userid:some_password@some.example.com/some_path/ You can do this with both index page URLs and direct download URLs. As long as any HTML pages read by easy_install use *relative* links to point to the downloads, the same user ID and password will be used to do the downloading.