In article <9bdd01c3e9d7$49dce680$0200a8c0@eden>, Mark Hammond <> writes ......
Always seemed a bit daft to do this implicitly from the IDE (eg when I set things up for stackless my ordinary stuff seems to see the wrong paths).
Not sure what you mean here? I did find it strange that I could not setup the compiler as I would for any other project on the planet (ie, vie the env vars that the compiler itself supports), but that was pronounced to be a feature of distutils, so I dropped it.
I just feel it strange as you do that the tool should rely on another tool to do setup. I regularly use distutils with several different python versions. I would be lucky to be able to set up a single set of include/lib dirs that would work for all. That's not to say that some base set might be useful, but that's what I thought the base environment vars were for.
There is special code in there about version >=7 though.
if self.__version >= 7: key = (r"%s\%0.1f\VC\VC_OBJECTS_PLATFORM_INFO\Win32\Director ies" % (self.__root, self.__version)) else: key = (r"%s\6.0\Build System\Components\Platforms" r"\Win32 (%s)\Directories" % (self.__root, platform))
Yes, I did see that special code. My issue is that MSVC7.1 is not storing these paths in the registry at all.
Again I see nothing unusual in VCxxx storing most of a project setup in a more and more opaque form. I would be a bit surprised if it stores nothing globally though. I am speaking blindly as I don't have access to 7 yet. I would prefer the priorities to be 1) environment, 2) python version, 3) compiler/tool global.
If you combine these 2 facts together (can't use env vars, MSVC doesn't store in the registry), it currently seems *impossible* to get MSVC7 to use an alternative path under distutils. My patch tries to address this (even if it seems the wrong one to support to me <wink>)
Can anyone else at least confirm that changing the directories in MSVC7 does not write the new paths to the registry? The standard paths seem to be written there at installation time, but changing paths in DevStudio does not change these registry values.
Mark. ... -- Robin Becker