In article <030701bf6e58$c4c670e0$4500a8c0@thomasnotebook>, Thomas Heller <thomas.heller@ion-tof.com> writes
I have extended your patch a little. If it works for you, we should submit it to Greg.
The attached file (I have not mastered diff on NT yet) does the following:
1. Try to find cl.exe and link.exe in the path. If this succeeds, it assumes everything is set up and starts the build. User in control!
2. Then it reads the versions from the registry, starting with the highest one until it finds cl and link. For debugging, it also prints the version number it uses.
3. If this also fails, DistutilError is raised.
[ A MIME application / x-zip-compressed part was included here. ]
I've no problem with your version except that it may fail even though the path is set up. If cl.exe & link.exe are on the path and properly installed then they should findable via the registry. Even so Lib & Include may not be set up and the compile will fail.
Searching the registry first won't fail provided it finds the best version and the Lib/Include dirs haven't been hacked to death inside devstudio.
Ok, so we should use this. One point only: + def _find_exe(exe,vNum): + for p in _msvc_get_paths('bin',vNum): This should be: + for p in _msvc_get_paths('path',vNum): because there are no 'bin Dirs' entries in the registry. Thomas