On 2 November 2011 14:18, Éric Araujo <merwok@netwok.org> wrote: I'm still a bit confused. This is on Windows, and maybe things are different there, but installing seems to just work for me (except for the case where things are to be downloaded). What problem should I look for?
On UNIX, the sysconfig module exposes information from the configure script, such as the install prefix. In an uninstalled built checkout, this install prefix defaults to /usr/local, so trying to install a distribution would create /usr/local/lib/python3.3/site-packages, which would be incorrect and polluting. That’s the problem I wanted to prevent. Can you define what you mean with “just work”? Does it install things into $checkout/Lib/site-packages?
The reason I care is that installing packages into a dev build is really useful for testing packaging changes. I'm not actually sure how to turn a dev build into an installed build on Windows...
http://docs.python.org/devguide/#quick-start : “On Windows, load the project file PCbuild\pcbuild.sln in Visual Studio, select Debug, and Build -> Build Solution;” Cheers