Hmm.... First, thanks! Second, I swear this is exactly what I did and it didn't work. Just now I went back and commented out the "old-style" and uncommented my Extension class attempt and it worked just fine. Must of been a brain fart.... Third, yes it's alot cleaner and clearer. And finally....Documentation. What's with perl and LaTeX2HTML? My need for documentation is growing since I'm trying to do bdist_pkgtool and bdist_sdux in, well let's just say a less casual approach. bdist_pkgtool has stuff hard-coded ("build/lib", etc) because I didn't have time to really figure out the correct ways to find information. Is there any hacker's guide to distutils info any where (beside's the source, of course!). Especially what bdist_* has available.... Mark Alexander mwa@gate.net On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Greg Ward wrote:
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 22:45:29 -0400 From: Greg Ward <gward@python.net> To: distutils-sig@python.org Subject: Re: [Distutils] Was I asleep? (Extension instance message)
On 24 August 2000, Mark W. Alexander said:
warning: build_ext: old-style (ext_name, build_info) tuple found in ext_modules for extension '(module_name)'-- please convert to Extension instance
Say what?
I don't remember this on the list, and I can't find any docs, so I decipher distutils extension.py and make something like:
Hmm, I *thought* I mentioned it on the list. There was no great hue and cry, so I didn't think it was a big deal. It is documented, but only in the CVS docs -- I am still trying to work up the courage to beat Perl and LaTeX2HTML into submission.
Take a look in any of the example setup scripts in examples, eg. examples/xml_setup.py has:
ext_modules = [Extension('sgmlop', ['extensions/sgmlop.c']), Extension('xml.unicode.wstrop', ['extensions/wstrop.c']), Extension('xml.parsers.pyexpat', ['extensions/pyexpat.c', 'extensions/expat/xmltok/xmltok.c', 'extensions/expat/xmltok/xmlrole.c', 'extensions/expat/xmlwf/xmlfile.c', 'extensions/expat/xmlwf/xmlwf.c', 'extensions/expat/xmlwf/codepage.c', 'extensions/expat/xmlparse/xmlparse.c', 'extensions/expat/xmlparse/hashtable.c', FILEMAP_SRC,], define_macros = [('XML_NS', None)], include_dirs = [ 'extensions/expat/xmltok', 'extensions/expat/xmlparse' ], ) ]
which I think you'll agree is a lot more readable (and writeable) than the old hairy list-of-tuples-of-dicts (or whatever it was) mess.
Greg -- Greg Ward - Unix nerd gward@python.net http://starship.python.net/~gward/ What happens if you touch these two wires tog--
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