On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 8:57 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
> As to using pip to build wheels -- there is good reason to do that
> now, but in s post PEP 517 world, one would call the build system
> directly to build a wheel-- after all, all pip should be  doing is
> calling the build system anyway.

I disagree - "pip wheel" will still be useful, for example to obtain a
wheel from PyPI either by downloading or download & build. Also just
to have a unified interface that works regardless of the project
backend - if a project switches from setuptools to flit, for example,
it would be good if deployment and test scripts didn't have to change.

Isn't that why we have PEP 517? I unified interface to build tools?

So I still expect pip wheel to be useful in a post-PEP 517 world.

Maybe so -- but all pip should be doing is passing off the job to the back-end.

Again, the package manager, well, manages the packages. It shouldn't be concerned with how to build them.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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