On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 9:49 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
No, as the post was about the fundamental and irreconcilable
differences in capabilities, not the incidental ones that can be
solved if folks choose (or are paid) to put in the necessary design
and development time.

It's your post, but the external dependency is hardly an incidental issue. 
The post isn't written for beginners deciding which tool to use, it's
written for intermediate folks that have already chosen one or the
other for their own needs, and are wondering why the other still
exists (or, worse, are telling people that have chosen the other tool
for good reasons that they're wrong, and should switch).

again -- those reasons are very much about external dependency management!

- you need a system for specifying environmental *constraints* (like
dynamically linked C libraries and command line applications you
- you need a system for asking the host environment if it can satisfy
those constraints

and it it can't -- you're then done -- that's actually the easy part (and happens already and build or run time, yes?):

I try to build libgdal, it'll fail if I don't have that huge pile of dependencies installed.

I try to run a wheel someone else built -- it'll also fail.

It'd be better if this could be hashed out a compilation or linking error, sure, but that's not goign to do a whole lot except make the error messages nicer :-)
dnf/yum, apt, brew, conda, et al all *work around* the current lack of
such a system by asking humans (aka "downstream package maintainers")
to supply the additional information by hand in a platform specific

if conda is a "platform", then yes. but in that sense pip is a platform, too.

I'll beat this drum again -- if you want to extend pip to solve all (most) of the problems conda solves, then you are re-inventing conda. If someone doesn't like the conda design, and has better ideas, great, but only re-invent the wheel if you really are going to make a better wheel.

However, I haven't thought about it carefully -- maybe it would be possible to have a system than managed everything except python itself. But that would be difficult, and I don't see the point, except to satisfy brain dead IT security folks :-)
> But the different audiences aren't "data science folks" vs "web developers"
> -- the different audiences are determined by deployment needs, not domain.

Deployment needs are strongly correlated with domain though, and
there's a world of difference between the way folks do exploratory
data analysis and the way production apps are managed in
Heroku/OpenShift/Cloud Foundry/Lambda/etc.

sigh. not everyone that uses the complex scipy stack is doing "exploratory
data analysis" -- a lot of us are building production software, much of it behind web services...

and that's what I mean by deployment needs.

 However, if you're specifically interested in web service
development, then swapping in your own Python runtime rather than just
using a PaaS provided one is really much lower level than most
beginners are going to want to be worrying about these days - getting
opinionated about that kind of thing comes later (if it happens at

it's not a matter of opinion, but needs -- if this "beginner" is doing stuff only with pure-python packages, then great -- there are many easy options. But if they need some other stuff - maybe this beginner needs to work with scientific data sets.. then they're dead in the water with a Platform that doesn't support what they need.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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