On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Marcus Smith <qwcode@gmail.com> wrote:

umm, why not? you couldn't have a pySide wheel???

just saying that the anaconda index literally has packages for "qt" itself, the c++ library.

and it's pyside packages require that.

That appears to be how Anaconda does things -- creates a conda package that hols just the shared libs, then another one that holds the python packages that use those libs. (I think there is a freetype one, for instance) It's a nice way to let multiple packages share the same dynamic libs, while still keeping them part of the packaging and dependency system.

But I don't see why you couldn't do the same thing with wheels...

(and I'm not sure there's a point if there is nothing else that uses the same libs...)
my understanding is that you could build a pyside wheel that was statically linked to qt.

which is how it's usually done for stuff like that -- or a lot of shared libs are bundles in.
as to whether a wheel could just package "qt".  that's what I don't know, and if it could, the wheel spec doesn't cover that use case.

you'd have to make up a "fake" python package -- but it wouldn't have to have anything in it (Or not much...)



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