On 31.08.2015 11:05, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
On 31 Aug 2015, at 10:44, M.-A. Lemburg <mal@egenix.com> wrote:
There's also another difference: Linux repos are usually managed by a single entity owning the packages, very much unlike PyPI which is merely a hosting platform and index to point to packages owned by the authors.
That is probably true for public repositories. However, there are also a huge number of organisations who have internal repositories for deb/rpm packages, and many of those contain third party packages. I have a couple, and most of them contain a combination of our own packages as well as collection of backports and custom packages for software that hasn’t been packaged by anyone else.
True, but for those, I think explicitly adding the index URL to the package installer search path is the better approach. Or perhaps I misunderstood and you meant something like: "If the package is not in my internal repo, I don't want pip to look it up on PyPI or anywhere else." That's a valid use case, but it seems orthogonal to the question of making public repositories for specific packages more easily configurable for package manager users. -- Marc-Andre Lemburg eGenix.com Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Aug 31 2015)
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