Hi! I know that distutils' purpose is not to re-implement libtool, but.. it seems that it is a common problem that one wants to ship several extension modules which rely on the same code. E.g. we have several image processing functions split across several extension modules (written in C++), and we need them all to know about our PythonImage class. (E.g. PythonImage::subImage(...) or the like.) A natural way to solve this is to compile pythonimage.cxx into a small shared library which the extension modules link against. So far, it seems that all projects which have this problem use Extension(...) to build a shared library or call make / do whatever custom hacks were necessary for them. (One source of information were the answers to David Abrahams question some years ago: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2002-October/002966.html and I also asked on C++-sig lately: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/c++-sig/2007-February/011973.html ) Would it be possible to add a distutils.SharedLibrary class? (OK, would someone be willing to provide the code? ;-) ) Ciao, / / /--/ / / ANS