On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm trying to convert a setup.py to use setuptools (specifically the docutils build, FWIW). The existing setup.py has some custom command stuff to run 2to3 on build.
As I understand it, setuptools should do this automatically by using use_2to3=True.
So, I've changed the code to just do:
setup( ... packages=find_packages(), use_2to3=True, ... )
However, when I do python setup.py bdist_wheel, I find that docutils/__init__.py within the wheel still contains (for example)
class ApplicationError(StandardError): ...
So the StandardError -> Exception fixer isn't being run.
Am I doing something wrong here? The setuptools documentation isn't very clear on what I should do, or what to expect.
If 2to3 is being run you'll get quite a lot of fairly obvious output to that effect. So it sounds like it's not. A quick look at bdist_egg seems to indicate that it never runs the build_py step, which is what runs 2to3. So this may be a bug. //Lennart