Whatever the ideal situation (not using distutils at all would be a suggestion) bdist_wheel certainly has some simple bugs that make it less fun to use sometimes.
Are you seriously saying that you want your bdists to include tests,
documentation etc.?
Most developers would not agree with you, including yours truly.
27.04.2016, 21:10, Ethan Furman kirjoitti:
> On 04/27/2016 10:52 AM, Donald Stufft wrote:
>> This isn't really a problem with what you're doing. Rather it's an issue
>> with the toolchain and and open question whether or not wheels should
>> conceptually be able to be produced from a checkout, or if they should
>> only be produced from a sdist. Problems like this are why I advocate the
>> Checkout -> sdist -> wheel being the only path, but others feel
>> differently.
> As a simple user, my feelings are that the command I used should have
> generated three equivalent distributions, but did not. That feels
> like a bug. :(
> Let me rephrase my question: what command do I use to build the wheel
> from the sdist I just made? For bonus points: why can't setup do
> that for me?
> --
> ~Ethan~
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