Quoting "Phillip J. Eby" <pje@telecommunity.com>:
At 12:07 PM 3/25/2008 -0400, Oliver Schoenborn wrote:
Quoting "Phillip J. Eby" <pje@telecommunity.com>:
At 10:39 AM 3/25/2008 -0400, Oliver Schoenborn wrote:
I have a problem with "setup.py develop" installation.
This use of package_dir is not compatible with 'develop'. For 'develop' to work on a project, you may not have any non-empty keys in package_dir. If you want to use develop with this project, you will have to alter your directory layout so that 'core' is under 'extern', or else move the 'extern' modules out of 'extern' and up to the top-level directory, and update (or get rid of) package_dir accordingly.
Thanks for your quick reply. That's a pitty, would it be difficult to patch? E.g. from a list of all 'values' in the package_dir then add a line to easy-install.pth:
# pseudo code: ... dirs = [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dd) for key, dd in package_dir.iteritems() if key.find('.') < 0] for dd in dirs: easyinst_pth.write(dd+'\n') ...
In short, it'd be a serious pain, and I haven't see any use cases for doing anything with package_dir besides defining a root location for packages (e.g. a src/ or lib/ directory). I have no idea why the ability to do that was added to distutils in the first place, ...
Well, I ended up restructuring the source to reflect final installation, ie moved what was in extern into a new src folder, and move pubsubcore folder into src too. However, I still need to use package_dir: setup(... packages = [''], package_dir = {'': 'src'}, ... ) How would you do it without package_dir? Oliver