The subprocess module doesn't work for interactive programs (I think)
(see appended pexpect faq).
So instead, I was trying to get something like the following working:
import simnow # import complex simnow C++
simnow.start() # spawn simnow's main
output1 = simnow.sendCommand("load
platform x") # blocking call to a single simnow C++ functions
# This is our real current goal, but if I
get this working, we might consider exposing other simnow functionality to the simnow
python module.
disutils is listed in the extend/embed python doc (http://www.python.org/doc/ext/ext.html).
This doc seems to be saying that disutils is a cross-plaform way to build a python
module ("extend python").
Chapter 3 - disultils cross-platform build. Chapter 4 - do it
yourself windows build. Chapter 5 - do it yourself unix build. Chapter
4 says, "Module authors are
encouraged to use the distutils approach for building extension modules,
instead of the one described in this section."
- "appended comments"
# This doesn't work
self.simnow =
Popen(executable=(os.getcwd() + '/simnow'), args=simnowCmd, stdin=PIPE,
stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
print self.simnow.stdout.read()
Why doesn't it work? The following
is from the pexect FAQ
Q: Why not just use a pipe (popen())?
A: A pipe works fine for getting the output to non-interactive
programs. If you just want to get the output from ls, uname, or ping then this works. Pipes do not work
very well for interactive programs and pipes will almost certainly fail for
most applications that ask for passwords such as telnet, ftp, or ssh.
There are two reasons for this.
First an application may bypass stdout and print directly to its
controlling TTY. Something like SSH will do this when it asks you for a
password. This is why you cannot redirect the password prompt because it does
not go through stdout or stderr.
The second reason is because most applications are built using
the C Standard IO Library (anything that uses #include <stdio.h>). One of the features of the stdio
library is that it buffers all input and output. Normally output is line buffered when a
program is printing to a TTY (your terminal screen). Everytime the program
prints a line-feed the currently buffered data will get printed to your screen.
The problem comes when you connect a pipe. The stdio library is smart and can
tell that it is printing to a pipe instead of a TTY. In that case it switches
from line buffer mode to block
buffered. In this mode the currently buffered data is flushed
when the buffer is full. This causes most interactive programs to deadlock.
Block buffering is more efficient when writing to disks and pipes. Take the
situation where a program prints a message "Enter your user name:\n"
and then waits for you type type something. In block buffered mode, the stdio
library will not put the message into the pipe even though a linefeed is
printed. The result is that you never receive the message, yet the child
application will sit and wait for you to type a response. Don't confuse the
stdio lib's buffer with the pipe's buffer. The pipe buffer is another area that
can cause problems. You could flush the input side of a pipe, whereas you have
no control over the stdio library buffer.
What's wrong with pexpect? It
doesn't work on Windows. Python COM is an alternative, but we are trying
to find a clean unified cross-platform solution.
Peter Mowry ("Pem")
SimNow Team, Software Engineer
AMD Organization
-----Original Message-----
From: David Arnold [mailto:david@mantara.com]
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 10:00 PM
To: Mowry, Peter
Cc: distutils-sig@python.org
Subject: Re: [Distutils] Python module to: Talk to stdout/stdin for 64-bit
Windows/Linux C++ application?
-->"Peter" == Mowry, Peter <peter.mowry@amd.com>
Peter> My team's application does regressions by controlling
Peter> 64-bit Windows/Linux C++ application (SimNow,
Peter> www.amd.com/simnow) via stdout/stdin with
("pexpect" for unix)
Peter> and (python COM objects) for Windows (b/c popen
doesn't work).
Peter> However, I am trying to replace this with a unified
Peter> windows/linux solution.
have you looked at the subprocess module, part of the standard library
in Python 2.4 and later?
Peter> Does extending python with Disutils sound like the
simple and
Peter> clean way for my goal? Is there a simple
cookbook solution for
Peter> my goal?
i don't think distutils is what you're after. distutils is about
producing installers for Python applications.