On 17 Jul 2014 15:10, "Paul Moore" <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
> Longer term, maybe your use case is something that we could support
> via Metadata 2.0.

For the record, the current draft of the python.commands extension in PEP 459 does indeed include support for reporting prebuilt commands: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0459/#the-python-commands-extension

The draft metadata extensions haven't really been properly reviewed yet, though. For pip 1.6, Donald and I have been focused on hammering PEP 440 into shape.

IIRC, we had one outstanding issue to resolve before bringing that back to the list, but travel has currently fried my brain, so I don't recall off the top of my head what it was.


> I'm honestly not sure at the moment, as your
> description isn't very specific. What "external binary files" do you
> package? If they are DLLs (as you mention) how would they work on
> Unix? I'm a bit confused here, as you mention the script handling
> being OK for you on Unix, and yet you're talking about DLLs, which are
> for Windows... If this is intended to be a single-platform solution,
> how do you anticipate communicating that fact to the build and install
> tools (wheel, pip, etc)?
> Thanks for raising the issue, it sounds like you have a use case that
> isn't well supported at the moment. But I agree with Jason that this
> shouldn't be forced into the scripts functionality, which is, after
> all, intended for *scripts*.

> Paul
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