On 3 Aug 2013 06:01, "PJ Eby" <pje@telecommunity.com> wrote:
On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 11:27 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
I pushed a version of PEP 426 with an initial sketch of an entry points replacement design: http://hg.python.org/peps/rev/ea3d93e40e02
To give it a sensible home in the PEP, I ended up defining "modules" and "namespaces" fields in addition to "commands" and "exports". The overall section is called "Installed interfaces".
I initially tried it with the unpacked multi-field mapping for export specifiers, but ended up reverting to something closer to the setuptools notation for readability purposes. For the moment, "requires_extra" is included since it isn't that hard to explain.
Thanks again for all the hard work in putting this together!
Btw, under setuptools, entry point *group* names are restricted to valid Python module names, so this is a subset of valid distribution names. Conversely, entry *point* names are intentionally arbitrary and may contain anything that isn't an '=', as long as they don't start with a '#'.
The reason for these choices is that entry point groups are used to ensure global uniqueness, but need a standard way for subdividing namespaces. (Notice that setuptools has groups like distutils.setup_arguments and distutils.setup_commands.)
Conversely, individual entry point names have a free-form syntax so that they can carry additional structured information, like a converter specifying what it converts from and to, with a quality metric. The idea is to allow tools to build plugin registries from this kind of information without needing to import the modules. Basically, if you can fit it on one line, before the '=', in a reasonably human-readable way, and it saves you from having to import the module in order to figure out whether you wanted to import it in the first place, you can put it in the name.
You might wish to make names a bit more restrictive than this, I suppose, but I'm not sure that all of the limitations of distribution names are actually appropriate here. In particular, restricting to alphanumerics, dots, and dashes is *way* too restrictive. Entry point names are sometimes used for human-readable command descriptions, e.g. this is a perfectly valid entry point definition in setuptools:
wikiup: Upload documents to one or more wiki pages = some.module:entrypoint [extra1, extra2]
Anyway, entry point group names are definitely *not* recommended to follow distribution names, as that makes them rather useless. Things that consume entry points will generally have more than one group, eventually, so at least one of those groups will then have to *not* be named after a distribution, unless you arbitrarily break up the project into multiple distributions so the group names match, which is kind of silly. ;-)
This makes sense - I was trying to cut down on the number of different naming schemes we had, but may not have divided things up well. How about we go with: Valid dotted names for: - modules - namespaces - module & name portions of export specifiers - export group names - extension names Valid distribution names for: - script wrappers Arbitrary strings for export group entries.
Finally, it might be good to point out once again that extras are not so much "a set of dependencies that will be checked for at runtime" as a set of dependencies that are *needed* at runtime. This need may or may not be checked, and may or may not be satisfied dynamically at runtime; it depends on the API in use, and how/whether it is invoked.
An unconditional import of an optional dependency counts as a runtime check in my view :) Agreed that could be clarified in the PEP, though. Cheers, Nick.