On Oct 19, 2017, at 2:54 PM, Thomas Kluyver <thomas@kluyver.me.uk> wrote:

I don't think this needs to be controversial. They are a de-facto
packaging standard, whether or not that's theoretically necessary.
There's more than one tool that can create them (setuptools, flit), and
more than one that can consume them (pkg_resources, entrypoints). Lots
of packages use them, and they're not going anywhere soon. Describing
the format properly seems like a clear win.

I disagree they are a packaging standard and I think it would be crummy to define it as one. I believe it is a setuptools feature, that flit and entrypoints wants to integrate with a setuptools feature is fine, but that doesn’t make it a packaging standard just because it came from setuptools. I agree that describing the format properly is a clear win, but I believe it belongs in the setuptools documentation.