A good recipe has a good documentation and/or doctests. You might check on PyPI if a recipe fulfills those requirements. Otherwise, you have to read the code or stick with a recipe with a similar functionality. -aj On 05.01.2009 20:29 Uhr, dunia wrote:
Hi list
I'm a little bit confused with the buildout configuration files, and i can't find any useful information. I get that every part of the buildout has a recipe and this recipe takes some configuration options. My question is ...how can i know which are those options? I went through the code and found most of them, but not all.
For example, since i'm running on Debian i would like to use buildout + dzhandle, so i need plone.recipe.dzhandle. I found some configuration options used explicitly in the code (locationtype, location, zopetype, version, zope2-location, zopeuser, zcml, serviceuser and instancename), but i also found in an example buildout configuration file «httpport» (obvious what it is used for) and «threads» (not that obvious for me :) ). Also i would like to know which other options i can use to set, for instance, dzhandle «--addon-mode» that is mandatory when using dzhandle alone.
Maybe this is very simple, i recognize that my knowledge of python is not as good as it should be...yet ;). Anyways, any hint would be useful for me.
My english is not very good :(, my apologies.
Thanks & happy new year! :) _______________________________________________ Distutils-SIG maillist - Distutils-SIG@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/distutils-sig
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