On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 11:31 AM, Donald Stufft <donald@stufft.io> wrote:
Sure. Do whatever you want, I don’t think anyone here thinks you absolutely must use pip. :) [1]

indeed -- and IIUC, part of the thrust of Nick's post was that different package managers serve different use-cases -- so we do need more than one.
My point is just that even if you narrow yourself down to CPython 3.6.0 there are still variations that can cause problems so each project individually ends up needing to decide what they support. Often times “unsupported” variations will still work unless they go out of their way to break it, but not always.

yup -- when I say I don't support non-conda installs, it doesn't mean my software wont work without it -- it means you're going to need to figure out how to compile those ugly dependencies yourself :-)
[1] There seems to be some animosity among pip supporters and conda supports, or at least a perception that there is.

for my part, I'd say "frustration" more than animosity. I see a lot of folks struggling with tools that don't serve their needs, without awareness that there are better options.

And some of those folks want me to support them -- and I do want to support my users.

I’d just like to say that this isn’t really shared (to my knowledge) by the development teams of either project. I think everyone involved thinks folks should use whatever solution best allows them to solve whatever problem they are having.

I agree -- Python is a great community!



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