I am trying create
eggs for a package that relies on a compiled executable that is distributed with
the package. I can get the executable into the egg fine.
It is
declared as package_data and I set zip_safe=False to force easy_install to
unpack the egg.
My problem is that
the executable is always extracted without execution permissions (our platform
is UNIX). After some experimenting this appears to be a general problem
with the zip file module not honouring execution permissions. I know
permissions can be set in zip files because the InfoZip tools do
Currently I have a
hack working that tries to change the permissions on the executable when the
package is imported but this won't work if the egg is installed by a different
user to the importer.
I am wondering if
there is a way round this with setuptools. Some sort of hook to fix
permissions when unpacking a non-zipsafe egg would be good.
Stephen Pascoe 01235
British Atmospheric Data
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,