Last week I heard for the first time about the research project FASTEN https://www.fasten-project.eu/. "FASTEN stands for Fine-Grained Analysis of Software Ecosystems as Networks."
instead of analyzing dependencies at the package level, we will analyze them at the call graph level! This will allow us to be super precise when we are tracking dependencies, when we do change impact analysis, when we recommend clients to update packages etc. It will also open the door to new sophisticated applications, e.g. licensing compliance, dependency risk profiling and data-driven API evolution.
That's from the blog post by Georgios Gousios, the PI, at http://www.gousios.gr/blog/Introducing-Fasten.html . More info: https://www.fasten-project.eu/view/Main/Introduction https://www.fasten-project.eu/view/Main/Overview https://www.fasten-project.eu/view/Main/Contacts And people who are interested in dynamically and statically analyzing call graphs in Python may be interested in "Graph Schema and its representation" in https://www.fasten-project.eu/view/Main/Deliverables . I've sent a note to FASTEN inviting the team to come talk about their project here on distutils-sig, because FASTEN's site says they aim to eventually integrate into PyPI -- I'm not 100% sure whether that means "create a service that people can use WITH PyPI" or "get FASTEN's work incorporated into pypi.org". -- Sumana Harihareswara pip project manager on contract with Python Software Foundation Changeset Consulting https://changeset.nyc