"Mark Hammond" <mhammond@skippinet.com.au> writes: [Thomas]
If I understand Mark correctly, the MSVC 7 GUI doesn't pick up the enviroment vars itself - this is (one of?) the difficultiy I see.
Nope, this isn't a problem. I have 2 specific problems:
* Manually setting LIB/INCLUDE has no effect, as distutils overwrites these values with what it thinks they should be * MSVC7 doesn't seem to store its paths in the registry.
MSVC7's GUI probably doesn't pick up the LIB/INCLUDE vars at startup time - but this is rarely an issue - the only time I expect to set or use these vars is when running from the command-line (which is exactly where distutils is run from :)
I think there is a simple fix to keep most people happy. distutils can just *append* the existing env var value to the new value. I think it is acceptable to say distutils wont let you set these to change the location of standard libraries or headers, but will let you add new ones.
So there's no need to read the entries set in MSVC7 itself (for which you have uploaded a patch) ? Thomas