Tarek Ziadé wrote:
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 12:05 PM, David Cournapeau <david@ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp> wrote:
Tarek Ziadé wrote:
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 11:45 AM, David Cournapeau <david@ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp> wrote:
It is a solved problem: autoconf does it well, and has all the required features,
So does it mean that having Distutils generate some kind of "configure.in" template that could be used by autoconf could be the right approach ?
I meant that instead of installing almost everything indistinctly like we do now with distutils/setuptools, we should have something like:
python setup.py install --bindir=foodir --sbindir=bardir --mandir=mandir ....
Sounds like new metadata to me
Yes - sorry if I don't use the right terms. Although I am quite familiar with distutils for the build parts (compilation and co) from my work on numpy/scipy, I am not so familiar with the installation parts and its vocabulary.
but besides the executable scripts location, how would you deal with man file from the Python developer point of view ?
What's the problem with man files for python developers ? I am not saying that any developer is required to add a manpage, only that if she/he does though, that should be marked as man. That's quite simple, really: the python developer should not - does not - have to care about FHS, windows, mac os X, whatever, only about marking correctly the different files: mark the pdf as pdf, html doc as html, etc... so that the *user* (the one executing setup.py) can choose whatever he wants, like for autoconf. You *can* do ./configure --mandir=bla --bindir=foo, but most people are fine with ./configure --prefix. It also means if the developer made a mistake in the setup.py, the package maintainer can fix the problem in the setup.py, and sent a patch upstream (so any platform is fixed). IMHO, that's really a part of distutils where explicitly avoiding any policy (where to install what) makes sense, and should be relatively easy to implement.
Yes that was my example (the log file), and the feature needeed to have it should be thaught and implemented on its own, because setuptools's pkg_resources does myriad of things.
Maybe, I don't claim to be familiar with pkg_resources - I am not a user of setuptools, except when I am forced to.
Would you like to write down a detail description of that feature as well ?
I am not sure I will have time to do it - I may underestimate the difficult of some things because I am not familiar with distutils implementation for install-related commands. Doing a description without any design proposal would certainly be possible, though. cheers, David