On 12 August 2013 19:14, Jason R. Coombs <jaraco@jaraco.com> wrote:
My preference is to reject the idea of the side-by-side executable launcher.
There are several downsides that I'm trying to avoid by moving away from the

Using a dedicated filetype and associated systemwide launcher is the ideal solution in many ways, but the behaviour is subtle, shell-dependent, and under-documented. I have been adding .PY to PATHEXT for ages now, and running .py scripts as commands with no issues - but people have raised objections to the proposal that we do this for exe wrappers, and I don't have convincing answers in all cases (mostly because "I've never seen that case" is often my response...). I can't recall details, but look back over recent threads on distutils-sig and python-dev that I've been involved in, for details.

Also, a dedicated filetype won't be registered for users of older Pythons - unless they install the latest launcher. Whether that is an issue to be concerned about needs to be agreed. (Backward compatibility vs making progress, I guess...)
If it's '.py*', I don't see why it's not reasonable to allow omission of the
shebang, and assume the default python. After encountering and now
understanding the subtle import semantics, I'm hoping that this new extension
can also be used in my personal 'scripts' collection to serve the same purpose
it does for setuptools console entry points. I guess one could require
#!/usr/bin/python in each, but that seems superfluous on Windows. I don't feel
at all strongly on this point.

IIRC, the shebang can be omitted, and in that case you get the launcher's configured default Python (from either py.ini, or built in). I tend to add /usr/bin/python{2,3} (or /usr/bin/env python if I want to respect PATH) for Unix compatibility even though I never expect the scripts to be used on Unix.

Also, in my mind, this approach is most directly addressing the fundamental
challenge (distinguishing a (executable) script from a module) in much the way
Unix has previously enjoyed.

Agreed - and I think that's a more important point than the merely technical issue of whether it manipulates sys.path the way we want.
I'm warming up to this idea a bit, especially how it supports the most elegant
approach but degrades gracefully. Some questions that arise:

Where would Setuptools expect to find these launchers? Would it expect them to
be present on the system? Would it symlink or hardlink them or simply copy? Is
py.exe subject to the 'looks like installer' behavior, such that it would need
a manifest?

I still feel like this approach would require substantial special-casing, but
since it provides a transition to the simple, elegant approach, I'm not

You ask important questions (and I don't know the answers :-)). I suggested (in the issue where I implemented the wrapper functionality) that we add a stdlib module that "knows" where the wrapper is and can wrap a script for you (something like distlib's "distlib.script" module). But that felt a bit over-engineered and the idea was abandoned almost immediately.

In practical terms, of course, there are many, many ways of writing wrappers, depending on what you want them to do, and how manageable you want to make the job of manipulating them. The current setuptools wrappers make manipulating them easy (it's just an exe plus a script, with related names) at the cost of needing multiple files. You could append the script to the exe, which is a one-file solution but harder to edit the script. You could append a zipfile to the exe, which has the advantage that you can prepend arbitrary content to a zipfile, so there are no "mixed content" issues to worry about, in theory. The exe would be coded slightly differently in each case, of course, so there's a maintenance cost...

Also, of course, as was mentioned elsewhere in the thread, you need separate wrapper exes for every architecture/platform you intend to support. And unless the wrappers are added at install time, wrapped scripts change a platform-neutral script into a platform-specific exe.

I would still like to see the standard be registered .pye (I'm happy with a bikeshed of this colour) and .pwe extensions which are added to PATHEXT and associated with the launcher. But someone would need to collect and document the issues which have been raised with this approach, confirm which ones are real and which are merely potential, offer solutions for the real ones and confirm that the potential ones don't actually happen (or they do!). I won't have the time to do this in the near future - but I could consider it in a month or two if someone reminds me. It should probably be a PEP, although I'm not 100% sure what that PEP would propose (what changes in Python and wording in a PEP would be needed for you to change setuptools to abandon wrappers, for instance? And why would you need a PEP?)
