On Jul 15, 2017, at 3:44 AM, Nathaniel Smith <njs@pobox.com> wrote:

- give Pythons with different SOABIs different search paths
- mandate that *all* wheels be "multi-SOABI" wheel files that include
every possible SOABI

Installing a single-SOABI wheel into a multi-SOABI search path is just
asking for trouble.

It seems like the first of the options is a discussion for python-dev not for distutils-sig, since we don’t have any control over what Python itself does on this list. The second option seems like a non-starter to me, I don’t think we can reasonably expect every single package to publish a multi SOABI wheel file that includes every possible SOABI (particularly if other Pythons are reusing the same directory— which they shouldn’t be IMO).

Better tooling for multi-SOABI seems like a good thing in general though.

Donald Stufft