On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 4:56 PM, Andreas Jung <lists@zopyx.com> wrote: [..]
Do we need/want development on PyPI? At least not me.
should be good enough.
PEP 386 is about providing the version scheme so we can compare versions in Distutils when we want to know if a dependency is met (like what setuptools does). So its wider than PyPI : people need to be able to compare development versions as well. So for example, zc.buildout can rely on it for your daily work. [...]
"community" does not imply that we can not agree on certain rules and standards for PyPI - otherwise PyPI remains as it sometimes appears - an unflashed package toilet. Python as a quality programming language needs a package repository with some minimum standards - I completely disagree with "community" as a synonym for "we must make everyone happy".
But the philosophy of Python is to provide a multi-paradigm language I think, without forcing any strong rule like this. (unlike Java I guess) My mother (sorry that's the example I have in my mind) is using Python in her university math /statistics lab, and they don't really care about QA. But she might push her software at PyPI one day. She won't if its rejected because she doesn't follow a version scheme, or push a binary release rather than a source one. Its good too have industrial-strength conventions, so we can build industrial-level applications, but I think we need to be careful about the ticket entry for PyPI. Wouldn't be better to set these enforcements in subcommunity like plone.org where it would make a lot of sense to enforce QA for plone packages ? (plone.org has PyPI support) Tarek