Greg Ward wrote:
Quoth Andrew Dalke, on 29 March 1999:
C++ template instantiation For at least some compilers, the compilation flags must be passed to the linker, because the linker instantiates templated code during a "pre-link" step so needs to know the right compilation options.
Ouch! I *knew* there was a reason I disliked C++, I just couldn't put my finger on it... ;-) Maybe we should cop out and only handle C compilation *for now*? Just how many C++ Python extensions are out there now, anyways?
Enough that you can't simply punt it. For example, most of the win32 extensions are actually C++ stuff. LLNL also uses C++, I believe.
Is there any way to get the list of include files (eg, the initial/default list)?
Oh, probably. I just haven't documented it. ;-) I think David Ascher's idea of exposing the actual list might be nicer overall -- I'll reply to his post separately.
This is V1. Keep it dirt simple. Don't create a bazillion APIs. Expose the stuff, let people fill it in, and go. Even better: rather than doing the configuration thru code, do it declaratively where you can. e.g. a file that can be read by ConfigParser.py Also: in your original email, you talked about "factories" and "abstract classes" and crap like that. What are you building? Who needs a factory? Just instantiate some class and go. Python is easy to change and to rewrite. I really dislike seeing people get all wrapped up in a huge design session to create the ultimate API when they'd be better served just writing some code and running with it. Change it later when it becomes necessary -- change is cheap in Python.
I believe at times the order of the -l and -L terms can be important, but I'm not sure. Eg, I think the following
-L/home/usa/lib -lfootball -L/home/everyone_else/lib -lfootball
lets me do both (American) football -- as in Superbowl -- and soccer (football) -- as in World Cup. Whereas
-L/home/usa/lib -L/home/everyone_else/lib -lfootball -lfootball
means I link with the same library twice.
Auuugghhh!!! This seems like a "feature" to avoid like the plague, and probably one that's not consistent across platforms. Can anyone back up Andrew's claim? I've certainly never seen this behaviour before, but then I haven't exactly gone looking for such perversion.
Trying linking against Oracle sometime. You're *required* to list a library multiple times. It's really nasty -- they've created all kinds of inter-dependencies between their libraries. Cheers, -g -- Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/