At 03:45 PM 9/23/2005 -0700, Trent Mick wrote:
Where does setuptools install its wrapper executables? (The usual \Python24\Scripts directory isn't added to PATH by the installer).
setuptools installs them in PythonXY\Scripts.
Unless you set --install-scripts somewhere else, which you can do in a configuration file. To the greatest extent possible, I'm trying to have setuptools minimize surprises with respect to installation locations, by conforming to the active distutils configuration.
Does anybody else think that installing to PythonXY\Scripts (instead of to PythonXY) is broken?
Windows doesn't really have any obvious standard place to put this sort of thing, unless you consider the Windows\Command directory.
With Perl and Ruby, for example, scripts from a 3rd party package will be installed next to the main interpreter binary (i.e. on the PATH) on all platforms. Would having setuptools (and changing distutils) to install scripts next to python.exe wreak unwarranted havoc?
Sadly, yes. First of all, python.exe isn't *on* the PATH on Windows unless you put it there yourself. Second, the python.exe directory is on sys.path, so it would turn your scripts into modules, conflicting with any same-named modules. So, yes, I'm afraid "havoc" is the correct word, though it would certainly be nice if someone would step up and prove me wrong here.