I have the following simple dependencies using setuptools; install_requires=['shapely==1.0.14','sqlalchemy==0.5.8'], Two questions; 1) Shapely will not work. The available packages are; Shapely-1.0.14.win32.py24.exe (md5). Shapely-1.0.14.win32.py25.exe (md5). Shapely-1.0.14.win32.py26.exe (md5). but python version is not being appended as below. Is shapely thus incompatible with setuptools? If so, what are the name conventions the author should be using and when does setuptools try for the current python version only? Searching for shapely==1.0.14 Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/shapely/ Reading http://trac.gispython.org/projects/PCL/wiki/Shapely Reading http://trac.gispython.org/projects/PCL/wiki/ShapeLy Best match: Shapely 1.0.14 Downloading http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.5/S/Shapely/Shapely-1.0.14.win32.e xe#md5=92281555b23623b8cf7b4fbc9d01f17a error: Can't download http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.5/S/Shapely/Shapely-1.0.14.win32.exe: 404 Not Found 2) How does one say "the latest release of sqlalchemy 0.5.x". Unfortunately <0.6 picks up 0.6beta and I can see no way to do wildcards in the docs and just say "give me the latest 0.5 series". Thanks, Nick