Paul Moore <p.f.moore <at>> writes:
My problem is that as someone who wants to implement code that uses the new features like wheels, I want a usable reference implementation that covers the (agreed) standards. I don't particularly want my application to incorporate support for extensions to the standard, nor do I want to have to implement my own support all the time.
The wheel implementation in distlib conforms to the existing PEPs, as far as I know. It covers the agreed standards and, as far as I know, in a reasonable way. Why should you care if there are additional methods in a Wheel class, if you never call on them? It seems a step too far for a spec of this type to dictate precisely what specific methods should or should not be present in a class. If you find that distlib's behaviour somehow violates the agreed standards, please tell me how and I'll fix it. I think I've been pretty responsive on issues raised, but please don't raise vague fears if they have no basis in fact.
In particular, at the present time there are two tools that can generate wheels (bdist_wheel and distlib) and 3 that can install them (wheel, distlib and pip). They have subtly different behaviours outside of the standard definitions, which means that they are not completely interoperable. I am not happy at all about that - and if that counts as "being against innovation", then I'm afraid that yes, I am... (I don't think it does, by the way, but you may differ).
As I understand it, any interoperability issues are an effect of everything being a work in progress and some implementations lagging behind others in terms of PEP compliance. I can't speak for Daniel, but I've certainly made efforts to ensure that distlib can work with wheel-produced wheels, even where it means using old METADATA and entry_points.txt formats. I find it always helps to focus on specifics - since the implementations can't be identical, what specifically are the differences that make you unhappy, and why do they make you unhappy? If some of those can be laid at distlib's door, fine - I think I'm generally quite responsive to specific issues raised. Also, note that some features in an implementation might be useful to some people, even if not enshrined in a PEP. For example, distlib's wheel installation provides an option to install only the site-packages parts - no scripts or headers - a feature which you specifically requested, and which I readily added (as I can see its usefulness) without playing a "it's not in the PEP" card. Is that a "harmless innovation", or a "dangerous deviation from the standard"?
At the moment the wheel PEP is lagging a little behind some of the ongoing discussions, in particular in terms of script generation. That's fine, it's a work in progress. I hope it will be updated soon so that the spec matches what's been agreed.
Well, let's not forget that distlib is a work in progress, too.
But I think we have a reasonable consensus on how scripts should work,
Do we? Someone might tell me tomorrow that the "cool" one-executable solution I've recently implemented as an option on Windows (append shebang / archive to a stock executable) is an offence against all that's holy ;-)
had a standard. I'm pretty unhappy that now we do have a standard, we still have situations where a wheel generated by one tool can have problems when installed with another - try "pip install wheel --use-wheel" on Windows to see what I mean, the exe wrappers are missing (this uses the wheel from PyPI, not a home-built one).
If distlib is proving to be a problem either as a producer or consumer of wheels, please raise issues.
OK, so here's a concrete question for distutils-sig. If I want to use wheels in my app (built them, install them, whatever) what should I use as my "reference implementation". I don't want to implement the code myself, I just want to produce lowest-common-denominator wheels that can be used anywhere, and consume wheels that conform to the spec correctly. This is not a hypothetical question - in the first instance I'm looking to add support for loading setuptools/pip from wheels in virtualenv, and I need to know what code to bundle to make that happen.
Some will say "wheel", even though it doesn't fully implement the spec, apparently because the wheel mount code (which,naturally, doesn't do anything unless it's called) is offensive to the point that some sort of fork is warranted ;-) Seriously - I already install setuptools and pip from wheels into venvs using distil (which of course uses distlib) - have you tried it? You're welcome to try with wheels built using any project, and if you run into any issues I will do my best to fix them. Have you had a better offer? :-) Regards, Vinay Sajip