One other really nice thing about the Perl packaging ecosystem is that their standard library is packaged! If there is a bug found in the Perl standard library, it's trivial to upgrade it to a newer release with a bug fix. For example, the recent little distutils snafu would have been a lot less painful for the end user's if we'd been able to get the bug fix with a simple: $ pip install --upgrade distutils In this respect, from an end user perspective, it really feels like you're getting hit with a stick, "Need that distutils fix? Hmm, well, OK, but you're going to have wait another month until we do a full Python release, and then accept all these other unrelated changes if you want that ... " CPAN even informs you if there's a newer release of itself available, and suggests you might like to upgrade: There's a new version (v1.9402) available! [Current version is v1.7602] You might want to try install Bundle::CPAN reload cpan without quitting the current session. It should be a seamless upgrade while we are running... Buildout has a similar upgrade notification feature, but I don't think pip or easy_install does? One nice thing about setuptools (or now distribute) not having been merged into the standard library is that they're easy to update to newer releases. As we push more of this code down into Distutils, we are making it more difficult to get updates :(