On 28 Aug 2017, at 00:12, Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> wrote:If you search the archive of this mailing list you will notice I asked this exact question about a month or 2 ago (I think). The answer I got was it is used on PyPI.org, but I don't know how to set it with setuptools (flit will probably add support after PEP 517).
On Sun, Aug 27, 2017, 13:01 Ronald Oussoren <ronaldoussoren@mac.com> wrote:On 27 Aug 2017, at 17:33, Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:You can add a URL in the long_description (e.g. to https://read-the-docs.readthedocs.org/ )I know, but that adds the URL to the project description and not the sidebar. PEP 345 appears to specify metadata that could be used for this, and warehouse seems to contain to make use of this (or at least a database model that allows for specifying more links than just the default one).Adding links to the sidebar would be nicer with the new design on PyPI.org, but there doesn’t seem to be a clean way to add “Project-URL” metadata as described in PEP 345 to a wheel file. I could tweak my setup.py files to add Project-URL metadata, but before I do that I’d like to confirm that (a) that metadata is actually used by warehouse and (b) there is no cleaner way to add this metadata using setuptools._______________________________________________Ronald
Distutils-SIG maillist - Distutils-SIG@python.org