zooko wrote:
I would be willing to host a trac instance to serve as a wiki and issue tracker for setuptools, and a buildbot. (But I don't want to have anything to do with subversion -- I much prefer darcs.)
I've previously volunteered Enthought to do about the same thing (except to include svn with the Trac instance) but there wasn't much response beyond Jeff Rush saying he was already setting one up, and the response by Phillip to use the python dev bug-tracker and svn instead. (No one previously talked about buildbot but that makes great sense.) I haven't seen any follow-up on those discussions though. Did I miss it? ;-) I'd really like to get this resolved, along with the issues of who can commit to the codebase, so that more people can start working on some of this stuff being discussed. Phillip, I think everyone is waiting for you to provide direction so can you make some decisions about how setuptools evolves to a larger community effort? -- Dave