Hi Chris, As far as i know, we just give links for power users/developers to know how to find the actual related repositories. It s *CLEARLY* specified *IN THE HOMEPAGE METADATA* that the official thing lives inside florian branch. Those are not 3 forks, but 3 branches or the same code. And the florian branch is the reference as Linux kernel branch. And no DVCS is not a mess, this is just a mean to have bugfixes available as Fast as possible and it's a great way for the original authors to get and merge those fixes. AND no, virtualenv must continue to provide setuptools, backward compatibility, you know? Chris Withers a écrit :
kiorky wrote:
Hi Lennart,
If i read 'virtualenv-distribute on pypi' I can do some googling or even do some Pypi searching for 'virtualenv-distribute'.
Thus, the first link found may be [1].
On this link, the second sentence is:
""" The fork was started by Philip Jenvey at http://bitbucket.org/pjenvey/virtualenv-distribute/ and this version by Florian Schulze lives at http://bitbucket.org/fschulze/virtualenv-distribute/
Add http://bitbucket.org/kiorky/virtualenv-distribute/ to the list and this, ladies and gentlemen, is why distributed source control sucks.
Why are there effectively 3 forks on virtualenv now, just to get it to use distribute? Is it really so hard to work with Ian Bicking to be the real virtualenv using distribute instead of setuptools, especially in the way of the bdfl pronouncement?
-- -- Cordialement, KiOrKY GPG Key FingerPrint: 0x1A1194B7681112AF