I'm happy to announce that an initial 0.1.0 version of Python Buildutils is available. The `buildutils` package contains extensions to Python's standard distribution utilities (`distutils`) that are often useful during the development of Python projects. Buildutils was created to scratch an itch: removing ``make`` from the Python development process and partially to gain a better understanding of how `distutils` works. The following extension commands are included: announce send a release announcement to mailing lists like python-announce-list@python.org checksum generate MD5 and SHA-1 checksum files for distributables. etags generate an TAGS file over all packages and module (for use in Emacs). flakes find lint using the pyflakes utility. info dumps information about the project. publish push distributables and documentation up to a project site using ssh/scp/sftp. pudge build Python documentation from restructured text documents and Python doc strings. pytest run py.test unit tests. stats dump statistics on the number of lines, files, modules, packages, etc. use bring in a working version of a dependency (uses setuptools egg stuff). For more information, including User's Guide, Command Reference, and installation options, visit the Buildutils project site: <http://buildutils.lesscode.org/> There's also a bit more information on the release at the lesscode.org blog: <http://lesscode.org/> Ryan Tomayko <rtomayko@lesscode.org>