At 03:47 PM 7/27/2007 -0400, Stanley A. Klein wrote:
I'm trying to package an rpm for enthought kiva. The regular setup.py uses the numpy distutils because of some cpp functions that have to be compiled and are somehow tied to numpy.
Someone recently did a "build in place" program that uses the existing setup.py (that I renamed setup.original.py) and builds the .so files in
On Fri, 2007-07-27 at 15:55 -0400, Phillip J. Eby wrote: the regular source directory hierarchy. I did that and then tried to run
setuptools (python setup.py bdist_rpm) using a straightforward setup.py. It included all the python files but missed the *.so files. I can run kiva examples if I manually put the *.so files into the proper place in site-packages, so I know they are needed.
I tried including
packages = find_packages(), package_data = {'': ['*.so']},
in the setup.py, but it still missed the *.so files.
What am I doing wrong?
You don't want package_data. setup() needs to actually list the extensions. More precisely, the distutils "install_lib" command needs to install the extensions when requested to do so by bdist_rpm.
The preceding applies to any distutils setup, not just setuptools.
This is very confusing. The documentation of distutils is very sparse in this area and doesn't really cover this issue. I looked at the code and couldn't figure out anything. I got a little bit out of the "--help install_lib" command line option, but couldn't figure it out from that. It appears that for extensions, distutils expects to build/compile them. There is some kind of option called skip-build that I don't know how to invoke and am not sure how will affect optimize=1 in the setup.cfg file, that calls for it to build the pyc and pyo files that are needed. I also couldn't figure out how to specify the .so files to be included. I don't need to build the .so files. They are already built. That had to be done using the build-in-place and the numpy distutils for reasons I don't fully understand but are related to the use of numpy. The reason I tried to use package_data was because I wanted setuptools to include the files the same as would be done if they were data files -- just put them into the package as they are. The find_packages() function identifies .py files to be included in the package. I want the already-built .so files to be included also. How do I make that happen? Stan Klein